A look back on the first VIP Innovation Day, with a focus on collaboration The first VIP Innovation Day was held on 27 September 2024. The goal of this day was to boost innovation together with asbestos professionals.
Ministry expands scope of VIP Asbestos The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has decided to expand the sphere of activity of the VIP. The VIP will be tasked with focusing on safe working methods for processing and recycling in addition to safe working methods for asbestos removal.
Broader application domain for RIONED working method RIONED has requested an expansion of the application domain for the previously validated working method, as included in SMA-rt (dated 15 April 2022). The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has adopted the positive VIP advice.
Bert Hiemstra appointed new chair of the VIP Bert Hiemstra is the new independent chair of the Validation and Innovation Point Asbestos (VIP).