The currency of information
The editors strive to keep the content of the website as up-to-date as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that all the information and/or data we present on it will be up-to-date at all times.
The utmost care has been taken when adding information to the website. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen. Please contact us via the contact form if you observe any information that is incorrect.
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Links to other websites contains references to the websites and documents of other organisations. Responsibility for the content and reliability of these websites and documents lies with their creators.
To ensure that information on the website is easy to find and visible to everyone, we apply the so-called web guidelines amongst other things. These guidelines are based on internationally recognised guidelines about website accessibility, build quality and sustainability.
There may be times when a PDF document is not fully in compliance with the web guidelines. If you find that you are not able to read the content of a document, contact us via the contact form. Please state which document you are have difficulty reading and include your contact details. One of our editors will then contact you to see how we can make the document accessible to you.