The findings of the VIP assessment team are presented in a draft assessment, which is put out to a public internet consultation.
All current consultations to which you are able to react follow below. Note: each consultation ends on a certain date!
Current consultations
There are no current consultations at the moment.
Instructions on how to react
For each comment, state:
- the page number and part to which the comment relates;
- the argumentation or findings on which you are basing your reaction;
- If your comment is based on different sources, reports or literature, please include them too.
The VIP only accepts reactions that meet the criteria above. Comments are not accepted if they:
- are submitted after the closing date;
- do not relate to the content of the document;
- relate to the addition of the method to the SMA-rt web application (SMA-rt);
- concern complaints against institutions or individuals;
- are offensive or insulting.
What happens with your reaction?
The VIP assessment team discusses all the reactions received during the consultation round. After this, the VIP prepares a final assessment and advice for the Ministry of Public Affairs and Employment. The VIP’s advice is then published on the VIP website, together with the dossier (excl. annexes) and the reactions (anonymous*) discussed in the consultation round.
If a request is withdrawn before this stage, the VIP does not issue any advice on it. In this situation, no reactions from the consultation are published on the VIP website. However, the VIP does inform the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment that the request has been withdrawn.
*Since 1 July 2022, reactions from the consultation round have been published on the VIP website anonymously.
Agreement to the use of personal data
The VIP needs your personal data to be handle to handle your comments and contact you. The VIP retains and processes your comments, which are included in an annex to the advice. The advice is published on the VIP website. For more information about which personal data is processed, retention periods and your rights, see processing your personal data.